
I know everyone uses SpellingCity, but if you don’t have a paid account, and are thus not able to make use of all the puzzles and games, here are some free alternatives:

Spelling TrainingUse a pre-defined list or one of your own to generate spelling practice, games, and tests. Make a free account (you don’t have to, but it will let you save your lists), and your kids can practice their spelling words on their own with a variety of activities. For example, there’s “hear and spell” (computer reads the word; kid types it in); missing letter and scrambled letter exercises; and alphabetical order activities. 

AAA also has its own K – 8 spelling and vocabulary lists, and alphabet exercises. In addition, there are links to geography and math exercises.

Mr. Nussbaum’s Spelling Central, which allows you to input words for four activities (alphabetical order, word search, word scramble, or missing letter) that can be done online or printed.

Discovery Education Puzzlemaker for inputting your own spelling words and making crosswords, cryptograms, and other types of puzzles.

Other Spelling Sites:

Perdue Online Writing Lab: Features spelling exercises.

Notorious Confusables: Extensive lists of word pairs that are often confused and misused, such as averse and adverse; Calvary and cavalry; eminent and imminent, etc. The highlighted word pairs are presented in sentences so you can learn proper usage. Mouse over the words, and you get the definitions. Site also includes online quizzes and writing and grammar guide.

Reading RocketsLists of word roots, prefixes and suffixes.

More Spelling Resources:

Spelling, Vocabulary and Language Arts Free Workbooks

Harcourt Reading, Grammar and Spelling Workbooks

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